Phone Vince on: 021 438 952
Finance and Support Committee 28th July 2010
Summing up the events of the meeting today:
Council has confirmed that their debt is $137 million as of the end of June 2010. "WOW!!!"
The CEO of the Council has admitted that council's Trade Waste charges maybe too high and that they may have been a bit to eager to charge businesses too soon. "AMAZING!"
The Marist Club has been loaned $93,600 from the WDC, for the installation of new lights around the new Athletics oval at Kensington Park. Athletics and the Marist Club will need to come to an arrangement where they are both able to work closely together, for the use of the new grounds.
City Safe then did a presentation, showing all the partners in the City Safe project (Chamber of Commerce, Whangarei District Council and the Police). They showed the level of support the business people in the CBD were giving and how the issues in the CBD have been reduced since implementing the project. Cr Merv Williams and myself are very happy and pleased to be part of the project.