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March 27 - Volunteer to help Whangarei's Treasures Triumph
The Quarry Art Centre, the Quarry Gardens, Reyburn House Art Gallery, Kiwi North (Maunu) Museum, Claphams Clocks – they’re all local treasures. They hold our history, our local culture, and add to Whangarei’s interest as a tourist destination. The problem is that each of these marvellous institutions is currently struggling for lack of support.
When treasured institutions which contribute to our cultural well-being struggle, the local community needs to get behind them as communities do in other New Zealand centres. So what can we do?
- We can visit them
- We can invite our visitors to visit them
- We can offer a few small dollars here and there to contribute to their significant expenses. Every cent helps.
- We can offer some voluntary hours
Volunteering is not only good for the institution, but it’s also good for us too. Studies have shown that volunteers benefit significantly through gaining new knowledge and skills, and enjoying better physical and mental health. Volunteering also boosts your own job and career prospects. Volunteers enjoy a sense of achievement and fulfilment as well as boosting their self-esteem and personal development - all this in exchange for a few hours.
Best of all, we keep these District treasures alive and help them to survive the tough times they all currently find themselves in.
Think about it, Whangarei. Do you love this place? Then it’s time to get in and help out.