Phone Vince on: 021 438 952
Noise at night along State Highway 1
last weekend, we had construction work happening at the intersection of State Highway 1 and 14, and then further up the road on other days.
Now construction work as a whole on the State Highway is usally good, and sometimes can be very messy, with trying to get around traffic. So it is usally best for the construction work to happen at night when they are not going to interfer in the traffic flows...
However, you would also think that construction workers, who will be making lots of noise would at least contact the surrounding neighbours, just to let them know...
Strangely enough, this is not the case for the Motel owners and some private house owners around the site, and when they confronted the contractor in the morning the answer is... "Oh, sorry, didn't you get a letter dropped off to you?"
Sorry guys, you might be doing a good job, but some communication really does helps, if it is done before the works are to start.
A little disappointing, I hope that communication is improved from now on.