Phone Vince on: 021 438 952
Media Release - Prosperity of Whangarei - 30th September 2013
We can’t just sit back and wait for Whangarei to grow, says Mayoral Candidate Vince Cocurullo.
Currently there are too many negatives outweighing the reasons for growing Whangarei. I know that there are some very simple and achievable ways that we can implement right now to mitigate some of these reasons against growth. We can start by addressing the prohibitive fees and levies for developers, which are among the highest in the country. We can work with new businesses, not against them, through initiatives that help them get started or offset some of the start-up costs by pooling resources or providing places or online regional listings where they can showcase local products and services. These, or ideas like them, are just some of the ways council could make a significant difference for emerging enterprises.
As well as supporting growth within the District, we can be proactive in bringing more commercial development and new industry here. Improving our communications and transport infrastructures and focusing on areas like Ruakaka, and the expansion of Whangarei’s CBD. We need to prepare for this growth now, not wait until the growth is upon us.
Business confidence comes from consumer optimism, and Council can help this by creating a clear and robust development plan that we can all feel confident in, one that shows a firm belief in how and where we can grow.
A show of faith from Council will send a message to businesses when they look our way. This means looking at the supporting services we have and helping them to be ready for expansion, and finding ways to bring sustainable new developments to Whangarei.
A famous man once said; “A ceiling, once reached becomes a floor upon which we walk.” Let us surpass our current ceiling and turn it into a platform upon which to launch ourselves higher.
If you want positive change that puts the future of Whangarei First, choose Vince Cocurullo as your mayor.
Vince Cocurullo
Whangarei mayoral Candidate 2013
Phone: 094388834