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Council interested in more Park sales. 7th June 2011
It looks like the Whangarei District Council is at it again. In the June 7th Whangarei Leader, the Whangarei District Council has announced its intentions to sell part of Mair Park. If you feel this is wrong you need to make a submission to the front desk of the Whangarei District Council well before 4pm on Wednesday the 6th of July.
--- Public Notices Page 11 of the Whangarei Leader dated 7th June 2011
Proposal to sell Park land, 24 Mair Street, Whangarei.
Whangarei District Council is to consider a proposal to sell part if its lessor’s interest in the Top 10 Holiday park situated at 24 Mair Street, Whangarei, and at the same time consider amalgamating the balance, a native bush clad area of approximately 6000 square metres, into the adjacent Mair Park recreation reserve. The 1.0031 hectares of Top 10 Holiday Park land is contained within Computer Freehold Register NA737/293 and is described as Part Lot 2 on Deposited Plan 26522 is held for the purpose of `Public recreation and park land’. This land is subject to a registered renewable lease to the current Top 10Holiday park operator with a term of 33 years as from 8 May 2002. A caveat will be placed on the title ensuring it remains as a campground.
In accordance with section 138 of the Local Government Act 2002, Whangarei District Council is required to consult on the proposal to sell or otherwise dispose of land held for park purposes before it sells or agrees to sell the park or part of it. Copy of a plan and Computer Freehold Register showing the location of the park being considered for sale, and the area proposed for amalgamation into the adjacent Mair Park can be obtained from Mike Hibbert, Property Manager, Whangarei District Council, Walton Plaza, Whangarei, 0148 telephone 09 430 4200.
Any person wishing to lodge a submission supporting or objecting to the above proposal shall do so in writing, stating the reason(s) why they support or object the proposal, whether they wish to be heard in person, and that submission or objection must be received by Mike Hibbert, Property Manager, Whangarei District Council , Private Bag 9023, Whangarei, by 4pm on Wednesday 6 July 2011.
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